
Add more capabilities to Hacss with PostCSS plugins

The static style sheet that Hacss produces is fully compatible with PostCSS, which makes it easy to add capabilities to Hacss using a large catalog of PostCSS plugins. While PostCSS plugins are often designed around the experience of authoring a style sheet, many of them remain useful and relevant even in the context of "inline styles". Below are a few ideas to get you started.

To use these plugins with Hacss, start with the Hacss CLI, Webpack integration, or API. Once Hacss is integrated into your build process, consult the PostCSS setup as needed. Essentially, you will provide PostCSS the style sheet produced by Hacss the same as if you had authored the style sheet yourself manually.


Autoprefixer is a popular utility that automatically adds vendor prefixes to your CSS as needed. For example, you can simply write appearance:none; in your code, and Autoprefixer will automatically add -ms-appearance, -moz-appearance, and various other vendor-prefixed versions to the Hacss output. Similarly, you can write ::placeholder{color:gray}, and Autoprefixer will automatically create the vendor-prefixed versions, meaning that there is no need to write ::-ms-input-placeholder{color:gray} for IE compatibility, for example.


This plugin offers a performance optimization that is highly recommended for non-trivial projects. Any two rules that use the same media query will be grouped together within a single media query block, reducing the size of your CSS output.


The axis plugin supports additional shorthand properties not available natively in CSS, such as:

  • padding-x, expanded to padding-left and padding-right
  • margin-y, expanded to margin-top and margin-bottom
  • border-x-color, exapnded to border-top-color and border-bottom-color

You can use these in Hacss rules just like you would use them in a style sheet, e.g. border-x-width:1px;


This plugin allows you to think in terms of pixels without losing the benefits of relative units. Write a rule like width:512px; and it will be rendered as .width\:512px\;{width:32rem}.

You could also consider the Shortcuts package which includes various length presets aliased in terms of pixels, but this might be an interesting option if you're not using Shortcuts for whatever reason.


Grid system APIs usually exist as a large system of CSS classes or preprocessor mixins that lock you into a specific preprocessor such as Sass or Less. LostGrid's API is somewhat unique in that it is based on special CSS properties that work with any preprocessor or, in our case, the style sheet output of Hacss. You can use a style rule like lost-column:1/3; and the LostGrid plugin will transform the resulting CSS automatically.