
Use variables and at-scopes in style rules

As outlined in the syntax guide, Hacss supports variables (i.e. named constants) and at-scopes (e.g. media queries). These features require a small amount of configuration.

Configuration Module

Both the CLI and the Webpack integration will look for a hacss.config.js file in the working directory (i.e. the project root). You can specify an alternate configuration file path by using the explicit config option. See the CLI and Webpack guides for more information.

The configuration module must export an object, which can contain either or both of the keys atScopes and variables.


This is a map of variables that can be used in style rules. A rule :hover{color:$red500}, for example, requires a corresponding key red500 in the variables map.

You can also define variables for specific properties. For example, you may want a variable small to have a different value depending on the CSS property where it is used: Properties like box-shadow, font-size, and border-radius might all have some notion of a "small" variant. To define a variable for a specific property, simply nest it within another map as shown in the configuration example below.


exports.variables = {
red500: "#c33",
"box-shadow": {
small: "0 2px 2px #0003"
"font-size": {
small: "12px"
"border-radius": {
small: "2px"


This is a map of at-scopes that can be used in style rules. A rule @small{padding:0}, for example, requires a corresponding key small in the atScopes map.


exports.atScopes = {
small: "media only screen and (max-width: 599px)",
medium: "media only screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1199px)",
large: "media only screen and (min-width: 1200px)",